1. www.iconographer-art-shop.com Is obligated to deliver goods to Customers without physical and legal defects www.iconographer-art-shop.com is liable to Customer for defects in the goods under the rules set out in provision of the Act of 23 April 1964 Civil Code (consolidated text Dz. U. z 2018, poz. 1025 z późn. zm.) in particular in article 556 and following of the Civil Code.

  2. A complaint may be submitted by the Customer, for example, by e-mail or letter to the address of company with the note “Reklamacja”.

  3. It is advisable that the complaint should contain in particular: name and surname, correspondence address, email to which a reply to the complaints is to be send, if the Customer wishes to receive a reply to the complaint via post electronic, the date of purchase of the goods, the type of the goods complained about, the exact description of the defect and the date of its finding, the Customer’s request, as well as the Customer’s preferred way of informing about the method of considering the complaints in handled. The complaint must be submitted together with www.iconographer-art-shop.com proof of purchase of the goods. It may be for example a copy of receipt or a copy of an invoice, a printout from a payment card or other proof. The above content concerning the complaint is only an example which Customer does not have to use and does not effectiveness of the complains submitted without the recommended descriptions of the complaint.

  4. A complaint may be submitted using the complaint form available on the website of the Online Store under “Reklamacje” tab at www.iconographer-art-shop.com The complaint form is only an example which the Customer does not have to use or follow in order to make a complaint.

  5. A Customer who exercises his\her rights under the warranty is obliged, at the costs of www.iconographer-art-shop.com, to deliver defective goods to the indicated place.

  6. www.iconographer-art-shop.com will consider and respond to the complaint immediately, no later than 14 days from the date of submission of the complaint. The Customer will be informed about the way the complaint has been dealt with accordance with data indicated in the complaint submission.

  7. Complaints about Newsletter service or other services provided electronically, including irregularities in the operation of the Online Shop, may be submitted for example:

a)      via e-mail to: languageoficon@gmail.com

b)     by telephone calling the Customer Service: +48 606 468 648.

  1. In the event of any deficiencies in the submitted complaint, www.iconographer-art-shop.com will ask the Customer to supplement them in accordance with the address data provided in the complaint.